A Membership Community
A Safe Space for Girls designed to give them the tools, resources and stories they need to stay true to themselves and THRIVE as they transition from childhood to adolescence

Videos &
Printables &
Positive Results
Girls who JOIN our platform LEARN...
Develop Healthy Mindsets and
Positive Body Image
Find Purpose &
Smash Stereotypes

Push Past Fear &
Build Resiliency

Develop Self-Love,
Self-Awareness &
Emotional Intelligence
What the Experts are Saying...

I am so impressed with the rich content within this app which helps to inspire girls, keep them healthy and encourages them to be true to themselves.
I wish I could have explored this app when I was young. Highly recommended and a must for any girl in your life!
Caryn Antonini -Founder
Early Lingo App for Children

I am so impressed with the Empowered Girl App! There are many fantastic resources for young girls. In a world where the pressures of being a girl are big, this site offers support, love and a FUN community for girls. I really enjoyed the “Inspiring Stories” section. As an advocate for Body Positivity, I see this site as a home for young girls to find their confidence and inner power.
Marla Mervis-Hartmann - TedX Speaker and Creator of
Love Your Body Love Yourself

The Empowered Girl platform is wonderful! With new content coming in on a regular basis, the platform always feels fresh and exciting. As a journaler and list maker, I loved the Bullet Journal introduction videos. I’ve always been curious about where to start and the platform makes it so easy. The Empowered Girl platform provides an amazing, holistic experience for girls and tween girls that will leave them feeling empowered, mindful, and ready to take on the world
Lindsey Turnbull - Founder MissHeard Media
"The Empowered Girl platform provides an amazing, holistic experience for tween and teen girls that will leave them feeling empowered, mindful, and ready to take on the world"
Thank you so much for creating this Incredible Site. I was just hoping my daughter would have fun on it and in just a few days I already see her thinking more deeply, asking big questions, creating lists to organize herself and navigating how to take better care for herself. She has also reminded me that I don’t really have good self care practices for myself and we have sat down and watched some of the videos together and are enjoying creating self care practices of our own. This has been a doorway to an incredible bonding experience with my daughter I never expected and a window into opening healthy conversation on great topics with her. THANK YOU!
Sarah / Mom to Anna, 11yrs
"this platform helps to inspire girls, keep them healthy and encourages them to be true to themselves."
I never thought I was good at art or that I was creative or I thought it was silly to color and draw at my age. I love my journal now because I'm taking time to write in it, think about things and journal my ideas. I love the bullet journal stuff and it's
helping me to learn to be more organized with school which is good because I was always forgetting things and then I felt stressed
a lot but now I can look at my journal and see what I have to do and how much time I have and I feel less stressed plus it's fun to color in it and try new spreads. My friends are always asking me about it and they want to start too. Thank you!
Alyssa, 12 years / Platform User

"7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way including their looks, performance in school and relationships."
Studies show that Social Media and Online experiences have a HUGE impact on how girls view their peers and themselves. In fact, it puts Immense pressure on Girls to Look and Act a certain way!
Listen to what Dr. Colleen Carroll a Global Expert in Ending Childhood Screen Addiction and founder of the Screen Freedom Center has to say about us!
"this site is a home for young girls to find their confidence and inner power."
Frequently Asked Questions
What age is this geared towards?
We say that the platform is geared towards the general age of 2-8th grade as we are addressing issues that tend to present at that age but do not dive into some deeper social and body issues as you see with older teens in say the PG-13 Category. If you were to give the content of the site a movie rating it would be G. This being said we have had users as young as 5 enjoy the videos, coloring pages and activities with the assistance from parents. Older teens enjoy learning about Bullet Journaling and will greatly benefit from learning about and Implementing Habit tracking, goal setting, Project management and gratitude practices that are taught with the Bullet Journaling.
Are there ads inside?
NO! There is no advertisement or popup ads inside of the platform. We know how annoying it is as a user to deal with ads and constantly be sold to and we hate that so many platforms and apps for kids are riddled with advertisements so you will never find an ad inside. We do interview girls who are entrepreneurs and inventors, artists, designers etc. and may introduce the girls through conversations to their creations but you won't find a "Click here to buy" button inside!
Can my child be contacted by people and is their identity safe?
Yes their identity is safe! NO, they can't be contacted by others. Safety is extremely important to us. Within the platform the girls can't contact anyone directly and any information such as email or address used by a parent is securely encrypted and not accessible by anyone. There are not forums or chat boxes. This is one way communication from us to the girls. At times, we offer opportunities for girls to share their work, ideas, drawings and more with us but they must get parental approval to submit their work and only their first name, state and country will be share on who created it. These opportunities give girls a sense of community and belonging but we do it in a manner that still keeps identities safe.
What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel at any time within the platform, it's a super easy, 2-click process that is available under your account settings when logged in, but we know that once inside, your girl will be blown away!
Is this Religious based?
We have no religious or political affiliations. Sometimes during interviews or discussions with other women and girls, the topics of religion, culture and ethnicity come up in terms of their life experience. We love that this gives girls a more global or worldly perspective on the lives of women and girls around the world, but is limited to more of an educational experience as you would learn in school in a fun and hands-on approach.
Why Can't I find you in the Apple Store or Google Play?
Originally our intention was to create an app available in both the Apple Store and Google Play, but as we dove into the project, design and development, we realized that creating a platform that would comply with the HUGE restrictions of Apple and Google meant compromising on our design, our users needs, and what we wanted to do. As a result we developed a cutting edge and innovative mobile responsive web application that we'll continue to innovate and evolve as our community and user's needs change and grow and gives user the flexibility of usage not just on mobile devices but desktop computers as well.
I have more than one daughter; do I need two memberships?
No! This is one of the BIG benefits of our platform unlike other apps! You can have one login per family and place it on all your devices. Desktop computer, mobile phone, iPad and tablet!
Is this all academic like school? My daughter has a rigorous schedule already
NOOOOO! This platform was created after a conversation by our Founder Maria with her 9 year old daughter Alexa. Maria wanted her daughter to have an online experience that she felt good about, where her daughter could have fun and find inspiring content and help her grow as a person. This is not meant to be additional "work" but instead be a place where you can refer your daughter to when she is struggling, stressed, feels alone, is bored or needs downtime. Inside there is tons of material that she can explore at her own pace and enjoy! Our feedback from beta testers was that the girls had a blast playing, drawing, watching and creating.
Registration Currently Closed